OCAY Newsletter

The National Lottery


We're happy to tell you that our bid to the National Lottery Community Fund Reaching Communities has been successful, and they are giving us £252,426 of this over 4 years for Advocacy Support for older people in York. Each year the project will support between 300-350 older people. The project aims to make a difference [...]

The National Lottery2021-09-24T10:48:28+01:00

OCAY 2021-22 Quarter 1 Statistics


We have just completed our report for our Quarter 1 Stats (April-June 2021). OCAY volunteers have supported 129 older people so far, this financial year. 60% of our clients were female, whilst 40% were male. Thank you to everyone who has signposted older people to OCAY, you have really helped us to help older people. [...]

OCAY 2021-22 Quarter 1 Statistics2021-07-01T09:36:27+01:00

OCAY are Recruiting Trustees!


WE NEED YOU!! Trustee vacancies Do you have a strong interest in making sure that attention is paid to the needs of older people? Are you good at taking a strategic long-term view of how an organisation should develop? Do you have time and commitment to help a small charity to be sustainable into the [...]

OCAY are Recruiting Trustees!2021-06-22T12:26:33+01:00

Interested in Volunteering?


OCAY is always recruiting new volunteers. It’s been really great that people still want to volunteer, despite the lockdown and Covid-19 Restrictions. We are looking for those who relish a challenge, those who want to give something back to their community, individuals who care about ensuring older citizens get a say, people looking to utilize [...]

Interested in Volunteering?2021-06-22T10:53:05+01:00

Trustee Blog – July 2021


This Month's Trustee Blog comes from Gillian Caldicott, one of our newest Trustees. Gillian talks about why she wanted to become a Trustee with OCAY and what she has learnt so far:"I became a Trustee of OCAY in March 2020, attended my first board meeting on 11th March and almost immediately the world changed as [...]

Trustee Blog – July 20212021-06-18T11:56:46+01:00

Vocal Volunteer Blog – Room 101!


Covid related again on this blog I fear, but somehow this scheming, manipulating virus is still lurking, even though it seems to be going through many disguises and fancy-dressing along its chosen path. It will wear itself out no doubt, and the sooner the better, but in its wake it has left a few laughs [...]

Vocal Volunteer Blog – Room 101!2021-06-17T09:40:39+01:00

OCAY are back in the Office!


Dan, Kayleigh and Ruth will be back in the office from Monday 19th April 2021. We have agreed upon a hybrid model of office/home working to ensure that someone is in the office each day. We will all be in the office on Mondays to allow for face to face weekly team meetings. We are [...]

OCAY are back in the Office!2021-04-08T17:19:46+01:00

Trustee Blog – OCAY Newsletter


This is a piece that one of OCAY’s Trustees; Chelesea Martin wrote for the OCAY April Newsletter. Chelsea speaks about her role as a Trustee and why she wanted to join OCAY: "I joined OCAY as a trustee in September 2018 and the time has flown by!  Since then, I have moved job, broken my [...]

Trustee Blog – OCAY Newsletter2021-04-07T09:48:10+01:00

OCAY 2020-2021 Statistics


We have just completed our report for our 2020-2021 end of year stats. In 2020-2021 OCAY volunteers and staff supported 290 older people. 60% of our clients were women and 40% were male. Thank you to all our volunteers and staff who have continued to support OCAY and our clients during this last year, all [...]

OCAY 2020-2021 Statistics2021-04-01T09:23:09+01:00

Vocal Volunteer – Volunteering Amidst a Pandemic!


Volunteering amidst a pandemic! Well, the virus that is Covid 19 is certainly volunteering, and seems intent on seeing as many people as it can.  We have all been under the pressure of it, and I very sincerely hope you all come out of this as soon as possible and see the sunshine again before [...]

Vocal Volunteer – Volunteering Amidst a Pandemic!2021-03-31T10:13:42+01:00
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